In Russian Casino each day brings festive occasion. Every day casino prepares new fascinating tournaments that give players great prizes and positive emotions.
During the whole week participants may try on different roles and try their playing skills in various games. Thus for example this week from 1 p.m. till 15-00 p.m. you may try yourself in role of photographer and improve your skills in taking interesting moments on camera. Your work will be paid by great money prizes.
If you are fond of table games – casino has prepared keno, French roulette, blackjack and punto banco tournaments. Starting prize fund of each event varies from 3 000 up to 5 000 roubles.
All events are absolutely free and don't need any payments. You just register in casino, fill personal information and may take part in the struggle for the prize. Besides the fact each tournament presupposes its prize fund, the winning in tournament brings you not only prize for current winning it is your admission ticket to the lottery of 100 000 roubles in February.
Hurry up to fill up your pockets and just enjoy playing games of Russian Casino.